The Directorate is responsible, through research, for the development of energy resources, demand and supply planning documents such as the Strategic National Energy Plan (SNEP), Integrated Power Sector Master Plan (IPSMP), Energy Outlook, and Annual Electricity Supply Plan. Also, the Directorate hosts energy databases and develops energy data reports such as the National Energy Statistics and Annual Statistics Handbook.
- The Directorate is also responsible for the following Offices:
Electricity Market Oversight Panel Secretariat (EMOPs), the Secretariat responsible for the day-to-day administration of the Electricity Market Oversight Panel (EMOP), a technical committee set up under the Electricity Regulations,
2008 (L.I. 1937) to advise the Energy Commission on the operation and administration of the Wholesale Electricity Market (Regulation 16 (3)). - Monitoring and Evaluation Unit, which is responsible for monitoring and evaluating the Commission’s work programmes and activities to ensure that outputs, outcomes, and impacts are realized and their effectiveness measured.